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West Africa Hub:
Plateforme industrielle de Diamniadio
Bâtiment Administratif 5eme étage

East and Central Africa Hub:
Kigali – Rwanda
Kigali Business Center (KBC)
Kacyru, Kigali

Info –
Derrick de Necker – +27606568137

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    Energy Archives - Ecosystem Holdings

    South Africa’s Eskom to record $1.47 billion loss in 2020/21 financial year

    South Africa’s power utility – Eskom – will record a fourth consecutive full-year loss as it struggles to deal with ongoing financial and operational challenges. The firm announced in a statement that the loss will rise to $1.47 billion in the financial year ending March compared to about $1.37 billion in previous year. “Significant financial […]

    Japan’s Marubeni Corp pulls out of South African coal power plant project

    South Africa’s 630 megawatt (MW) Thabametsi coal-based power plant project in northern Limpopo province has hit a new setback after Japanese group Marubeni Corp announced its pullout. Marubeni’s decision was influenced by the withdrawal of some South African investors and South Korea’s state-run Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO) last month. “As per our policy that […]

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