
Contact Ecosystem Holdings

West Africa Hub:
Plateforme industrielle de Diamniadio
Bâtiment Administratif 5eme étage

East and Central Africa Hub:
Kigali – Rwanda
Kigali Business Center (KBC)
Kacyru, Kigali

Info –
Derrick de Necker – +27606568137

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    Regional Archives - Ecosystem Holdings

    Rwanda’s economy to contract by 0.2% in 2020 – IMF

    Rwanda’s economy is projected to shrink by 0.2% this year, but will rebound strongly next year to grow by 5.7%, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF said an economic recovery was underway but warned that spending to contain the effects of COVID-19 pandemic would raise public debt. “As a result, fiscal deficit […]

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